The file should end with the closing XML tag (and there should only be one) but extra data has been added at the end. This is what the end of the file looked like: There is a file in your project directory called ProjectMedia.acx. I eventually traced it to project corruption.

I thought it might just be the preview but the problem existed on a test disc that I burned. I cleared the media cache from within the preferences menu no change. I restarted Encore and the problem was still there. I checked the original source files and they were fine.
#Dvd studio pro blu ray authoring movie#
It went well until about three quarters of the way through the movie one of the character's lines started repeating over and over and over again for about ten minutes. I created the menus and timelines and then used the Preview function to check it.

I then used Compressor to create a 5.1 AC3 file and brought both into Encore. I eventually narrowed the problem down to a corrupt Dynamic Link cache which I trashed with CS Repair and got the more respectable prediction of 10 hours (it was a 90 minute feature with 10-bit RGB source files). I initially had some issues encoding the Premiere Pro sequence to H.264 because Adobe Media Encoder told me it would take 42 hours, and after leaving it for a few hours it seemed to be making good on that promise. I'd previously tested the workflow and everything had worked well, but this was my first time using it on a project. This past weekend I used Adobe Encore for the first time to create a Blu-ray for an important screening.